This Florida man got his 14 year old girlfriend pregnant when he was 23. He did his time and was out on parole. Now he goes back to prison for 10 years because he was rendered homeless by residency restrictions
News on litigation and pending bills - Our bill to add warning on sex offender website wins support
Our legislation to bring the state into better compliance with the federal sex offender public registry act met with strong opposition last week. The criticism came from the Department of Safety, a lobbyist for the Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, and from an irate Derry state rep and one of his constituents. HB 262 would repeal one draconian line of our public registry law that is far more harsh than the feds require, replacing it with the federal language.
A local lawmaker has sponsored several bills in the N.H. House of Representatives that would increase protections for people on the state's registry of sex offenders. Rep. Timothy N. Robertson, D-Keene, said he was motivated by information about two recent local attacks that he said may have been committed by someone who targeted people listed on the registry.