Press releases

Citizens for Criminal Justice Dissolving


May 27, 2024

As of April 2, 2024, with a blend of emotions, including sadness, we announce the dissolution of Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform, situated in Concord, New Hampshire, effective April 2, 2024.

Over the past 13 years, our mission has been to advocate for a justice system that protects our community while promoting the rehabilitation of offenders and supporting the well-being of inmate families. We firmly believe that a just and humane restorative approach to criminal justice is essential for reducing recidivism and creating a safer society.

The challenges brought about by the COVID-19 shutdown in the spring of 2020 deeply impacted our organization, as did many others. During those months, restrictions prevented us from meeting in person, leading to a decline in volunteerism and membership. Despite efforts to adapt through digital platforms like Zoom, we faced a loss of momentum, waning interest, and the departure of key volunteers. After four years of struggling to maintain a legal quorum of board members and volunteers, we must acknowledge that our current capacity falls short, and we are unable to sustain our efforts.

We express our deepest gratitude to all who have supported us throughout our journey. Whether through volunteering, donations, or advocacy, your contributions have had a profound impact on the lives of many.

As we proceed with the official dissolution process, we assure you that all remaining assets will be distributed in accordance with our organization's bylaws and applicable laws. Furthermore, we are committed to fulfilling any existing commitments or obligations to the best of our ability.

While this marks the end of our official presence, we hope that the spirit of community service and collaboration that defined our organization will continue to thrive in the hearts of those we have touched. We encourage individuals and groups to persevere in working towards positive change and making a difference in the lives of others. I personally pledge to maintain our website with future articles that will keep our members and friends informed of news and events in New Hampshire and across the nation. Additionally, all current videos and articles on the website will be preserved.

While we won't operate as an official organization, a small group of us may still be available to provide assistance or guidance to those dealing with incarceration or reintegration challenges. We may also be able to direct you to other groups or individuals who can provide support. Although our phone line and post office box will become inactive on June 21, 2024, you can still reach out to us via the emails provided below. Please keep us informed about any national events, laws, and developments in New Hampshire prisons and throughout the state.

Once again, we extend our sincerest appreciation to everyone who has been part of our journey. Together, we have made significant strides in criminal justice reform in New Hampshire and positively impacted the lives of hundreds of former offenders and their families.

We also wish to express our gratitude to Helen Hanks, Commissioner of the Department of Corrections, for her excellent communication and cooperation as we worked together to address various concerns and issues.

For any inquiries regarding the dissolution process or related matters, please contact Dr. Bob at or

Thank you.

Statement drafted and approved by:  Dr. Robert Paradise and the CCJR Board of Directors

Invitation: “Just visiting,” a workshop on jail volunteering

A press release for publication near April 22

For information, contact Chris Dornin, 228-9610 or

How do you volunteer at a house of corrections? What are the risks in helping prisoners keep their sanity and religious faith? What do you say to immigrants fighting deportation in a county jail? Why are people of color far more likely to go to jail than whites?



The U.S. House of Representatives approved a bill (HR 515) on February 1 that would require, for the first time in the history of the United States, the addition of “unique identifiers” to the passports of American citizens.

“This historic vote was taken by voice vote and without discussion or debate regarding its historic significance,” stated CA RSOL President Janice Bellucci.  “The process used for this historic vote – suspension of the rules – is an abuse of Congressional rules because it is limited to noncontroversial bills, not bills like HR 515.”

A different version of the bill was originally passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on January 26, 2015.  The U.S. Senate added the historic passport requirement to the bill on the Senate floor on December 17, 2015.  That amendment, made by Senator Mitch McConnell was not discussed or debated on the floor of the Senate or in committee.

“The citizens of this nation should be afraid, very afraid, that a unique identifier will soon be added to their passports,” stated Bellucci.  “The next targeted group could be Muslims, gays or drunk drivers.”

As passed by Congress, the Secretary of State is required to add a “unique identifier” to the passports of citizens convicted of a sex offense involving a minor.  The list of offenses includes non-violent, non-contact offenses such as some acts of indecent exposure.

“Passports today are used as a primary form of identification not only to enter a foreign country,” stated Bellucci.  “A passport symbol that identifies an individual as a registered sex offender places that person and others with them at significant risk of physical harm.”

In addition, HR 515 establishes a Center that would notify foreign countries that an individual who was convicted of a sex offense involving a minor plans to visit.  This notification will be sent regardless of whether the individual has been deemed to be rehabilitated by a state and therefore is no longer required to register as a sex offender.

“The notification provisions of HR 515 will harm thousands of Americans who have been declared by a state to be rehabilitated and are no longer required to register as sex offenders,” stated Bellucci.  “The federal government in such cases will substitute its judgment, which will not be based upon an investigation of an individual, for the judgment of a state government that has conducted such an investigation.”

Before it becomes law, HR 515 must be approved by the President. Citizens for Criminal Justice and its members lobbied in opposition to passage of HR 515.

for additional information please contact our founder, Chris Dornin (228-9610),

You are Invited to our Second Annual Meeting

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We are pleased to announce our second Annual Meeting of our Membership
Tuesday, March 17th, 2015
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: League of N.H. Craftsmen
49 South Main Street, Suite 100 | Concord NH 03301
2014 was our second full year since becoming approved as a 501(c)(3) Non-profit
As a member this is your Annual Meeting – Come and meet your board.
Additional Information: 603-832-1555

Come and discover what CCJR accomplished in 2014, and hear the latest news on Criminal Justice issues in the State of New Hampshire.  Receive the latest information on the recent Supreme Court decision John Doe v. New Hampshire.  Listen to reports on proposed legislation for 2015 and the impact these bills will have on every NH Citizen, inmates, parolees, ex-offenders and their families.  Annual reports will be given by our Founder Chris Dornin, Chairman, Dr. Robert Paradise, Vice Chair, Kate Kirkwood,  Secretary, Jeremy J. Olson, and Treasurer, Sandy McGonagle. Members can cast a vote on various agenda items and everyone can take part in an informative Question & Answer session.

If you are not a member of CCJR and would like to attend, please contact us at
Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform
P.O. Box 3942
Concord, New Hampshire 03302-3942
Coffee and Donuts will be Served -
Check this website for updates and any storm cancelations -
Storm date is March 18th - same time
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