Join Webinar JAN 25: Challenging 50 Years of Mass Incarceration

Fifty years ago, the United States embarked on a path of mass incarceration that has led to a staggering increase in the correctional population. Today, nearly two million people - disproportionately Black Americans - are living in prisons and jails instead of their communities. In the early 1970s this count was 360,000.


This year, The Sentencing Project – alongside a wide-ranging group of advocates, experts, and partners – are launching a new campaign, 50 Years and a Wakeup: Ending the Mass Incarceration Crisis In America. This powerful public education campaign is designed to raise awareness about the dire state of the country’s criminal legal system, the devastating impact of incarceration on communities and families, and propose more effective crime prevention strategies for our country. 


Please join us for our virtual launch, where we will examine the data behind the past 50 years of mass incarceration in the United States, and provide opportunities and resources for your organization to get involved.




  • Nazgol Ghandnoosh, The Sentencing Project
  • Kate Tramel, Prison Fellowship
  • Monica Reid, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL)
  • Ebony Underwood, We Got Us Now

  • Ronald Simpson-Bey, JustLeadership USA