The Utah state contact of Reform Sex Offender Laws, Inc. took exception to Sheriff Garrison's harsh words and wrote him a letter. He began by saying, "I respect the office of the Sheriff where I live and anytime I see the police in my community. It is a tough job, dangerous, and takes a lot of dedication." Then he continued, saying to Sheriff Garrison, "You sir, disappoint me," and he told him why. His primary points are that the good sheriff is indulging in generalization and fostering an attitude of hate toward all registered citizens.
But thankfully, so is its opposite. Many registrants and their loved ones have reported being blessed--and that is exactly the way they describe it--with parole officers, probation officers, and/or law enforcement/
registration/compliance officers and personnel who treat them with decency, dignity, and respect. These individuals have not only learned the golden rule but apply it in their everyday lives and work.
That is a lesson that Sheriff Garrison of Cherokee County, Georgia, would do well to learn.
Sheriff Roger Garrison
I respect the office of the Sheriff where I live and anytime I see the police in my community. It is a tough job, dangerous, and takes a lot of dedication.
You sir, disappoint me. I read your response to Representative Sam Moore (R-Macedonia) and cannot believe you are such an Archie Bunker.
What you are spreading is "Hate Speech" towards sex offenders. It is unconstitutional and wrong.
That would be like the public lumping you and all police officers with "Crooked Cops." Are you crooked?
Do cops have the best drugs because they keep the good stuff they confiscate?
Well, I doubt that is you... or the majority of police officers.
So why would you take such a large segment of criminals, "sex offenders," and label them, ostracize them, treat ALL of them with prejudice and unconstitutionally when only 1-3% are what you labeled all of them as, "pedophiles."
You are a smart man and should know better than to generalize, profile, label and make prejudicial and discriminating comments without the facts. This is nothing short of what was done to the Blacks and then briefly those who had HIV or AIDS which, after the facts were examined, was determined by the judicial system to be Unconstitutional to label and discriminate against.
Please get your facts straight and learn about how costly and damaging these laws and the registration system are. This "Hate doctrine" is destroying a country. It is prejudice for people who are the "least likely to re-offend", and willing to be model, productive citizens when their parole, registration, etc., is over. But they are not given that chance due to the ignorance you were spouting. Please reconsider as an intelligent servant of the public that is doing a difficult and important job.
I think you for your time, your attention and your dedicated service.
The sheriff promptly sent a three sentence reply: "Your [sic] right I do hate sex offenders. I'm glad you don't live in Cherokee County. Stick to the issues in your community not mine!" which prompted this response by With Justice For All, which Representative Moore read and sent a lovely email of appreciation to the blog writer.