NH State House Legislative Hearings April

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NH State House Legislative Hearings April
April 8, 2019
State Bill # Summary Status
NH HB155 Relative to procedures for determining and disclosing exculpatory evidence in a police officer's personnel file. 2019-04-05 / Engross

[Hearing: Apr 11 @ 2:00 pm]

To Senate Judiciary Committee
NH HB263 Relative to department of health and human services family reunification practices involving convicted sex offenders. 2019-03-29 / Engross

To Senate Judiciary Committee
NH HB349 Relative to a second opinion on health care matters for state and county prisoners. 2019-04-05 / Engross

[Hearing: Apr 11 @ 3:10 pm]

To Senate Judiciary Committee
NH HB455 Relative to the penalty for capital murder. 2019-04-02 / Engross

Committee Report: Ought to Pass, 04/11/2019; Senate Calendar 17
NH HB486 Relative to department of corrections procedures concerning the requirement for restoration of the voting rights of felons. 2019-04-05 / Engross

[Hearing: Apr 11 @ 2:40 pm]

To Senate Judiciary Committee

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